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SEO Process : Importance of Keyword Selection

Most business owners that decide to improve their offline business by going online are the most likely to ask their web designers just for some beautiful website. However, a website should be more than just a beautiful wrapping of an offline business, but an appealing and yet client focused platform. Search engine optimization is a general term that everybody knows. Most people however think of SEO as if it was just some extreme link building process, with no prior preparation. The truth is SEO is worthless without a proper keyword analysis and selection. Everybody thinks about building a site, stuffing it with lots of useful content, hoping to drive traffic and make sales. In order to achieve online success you don't have to forget to pay attention to the foundation of all that. Keyword analysis and selection represents the foundation of each online project. Knowing from the beginning which are the keywords you want to optimize your site for will make all your SEO endeavors much